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Bad Signs

Friday, September 01, 2006
Living most of my life in the Philippines, I've seen my share of strange written warning signs here and there, mostly murdering the english language. and whatever I get to shoot with my camera phone I post on my other blog the martian outpost. but when someone sent me some of these pictures via email, I just had to check out this website chockfull of these strange signs by Jojie Alcantara.
just thought I'd share some of these pictures...
children please cover your eyes. :)

wouldn't these shoes look so good with my LAWSUIT!

Hareruya!!! this store owner might just be a Japanese Christian

people store
would you like to buy some ladies, men or kids?

Deep Shiten
you know you're in deep sh*ten if you have this in your vanity drawer.

ded sh*t
well it's not as bad as if you had some ded sh*t

I hear Queen singing "Vicycle vicycle vicycle, I want to ride my vicycle I want to ride my vike" note: must not be confused with bicycle or vehicle. Lol

chinese drink
cannot seen but can eating... note to label makers... no use translate tool of search engine for ads unless selling product to cavemen.

stiff slope
I wonder... how stiff can slopes be?

hurry cutter
Another business waiting for a lawsuit.

wanna fight biach!?!

words get in the way
umm... I'm feel soooo much dumber now after reading this one.
Friday, September 01, 2006 :: ::
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